The PIE4shelters project aims at improving the capacity of homeless services to support women with the experience of homelessness and gender-based violence. The project will develop a training guideline for homeless services, based on the PIE approach. PIE stands for Psychologically Informed Environments .Psychologically-informed services take into account the psychological makeup – the thinking, emotions, personalities and past experience - of service users in the way a service operates (definition PIE link). The PIE4shelters project will also promote a trauma-informed and gender-sensitive way of working.
The main activities and outputs of the project:
- Develop a PIE training framework, target group are homeless services.
- Train frontline and management staff working with homeless services in the partner countries HU, BE, IE, IT, UK
- Organize national awarenes raising events on PIE in partner countries, target group are homeless services
Training and awarenes raising events will be available for free. Related information & dates will be published on this website. You can also contact the project officer Ruth Kasper.
PIE4shelters started on the 1st of January 2018 and will run for 2 years. It is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) program of the European Commission. It is implemented by a consortium comprising homeless and gender-based violence services: BMSZKI (coordinator, HU), CVFE - Collectif contre les Violences Familiales et l’Exclusion (Belgium), FEANTSA (Belgium/EU), Safe Ireland (Ireland), fio.PSD (Italy) and DePaul (UK).
The project is co-funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The contents of this website is the sole responsibility of the PIE4shelters project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.